
“A premier of agri-industrial economy in the region, 

with God loving, self-reliant and  empowered people living

 in a safe and disaster resilient community under a transparent

and responsible local governance where social justice

and equality reigns”



To attain this Vision, the LGU shall serve as catalyst in,

  • Modernizing agricultural  production towards advancing agri-industries and productivity enhancements to make agriculture  sector more competitive;
  • Ensuring that people in Molave live in a peaceful, orderly community with greater  access to basic education, health care and nutrition, and housing;
  • Establish a resilient, safe and green communities by restoring, preserving and maintaining the natural  state of the environment;
  • Providing a comprehensive, quality and well-maintained infrastructure network and support facilities, supporting the municipality’s physical integration, development efforts, economic activity and increasing productivity;
  • Providing local investors and SMEs with inclusive support on market assistance, marketing support and information systems, product development, market intelligence, and participation in product promotion activities, both in the domestic and international markets; and
  • Institutionalizing enabling mechanisms that ensures full participation of citizens and professional public servants in decision making process under a responsive, transparent and accountable local government.